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At Fire Robotics, we spread FTC values such as gracious professionalism, innovation, and teamwork to local communities. We inspire upcoming high schoolers to become pioneers in S.T.E.M. by engaging them in hands-on learning and creating a community to give them exposure and guidance. We gain experience and knowledge from mentors who are trained professionals in their respective fields of science and technology.

 Outreach Events


Sanskriti Outreach

At a local teaching center, we gave an interactive S.T.E.M. experience to kids by doing fun activities including coding and building. We also informed parents about the benefits of high school robotics.


Coder School Outreach

At a local coder school, we gave upcoming 9th graders and their parents,exposure to FTC and the high school robotics experience.

India Robotics Workshop

We held an online webinar with 60+ people who were interested in this opportunity. The team also worked together to send a member to India and teach in person to the students at the school.


Hour of Code

At a local elementary school, we gave an interactive S.T.E.M. experience to kids by doing fun activities including various coding opportunities. We also informed parents about the benefits of high school robotics.

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FLL Mid Atlantic Meet

Our team was invited to the FLL Mid_Atlantic Invitational Meet. We volunteered and helped run the event by setting up games, judging, and organizing teams.

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We invited all teams in our region to one big event where all the teams were introduced to this year's challenge.

Livingston Day

A town-wide event where we held a robot demonstration and talked to the town about Livingston High School robotics.

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Shiv's Third Eye Mental Wellness Fair

A town-wide event where we talked about the mental health benefits of doing robotics and being part of a team. At Fire robotics, we prioritize our members and create a safe and friendly environment to support and help our team members.

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Trash Pickup

A group of members from our team went to a local highway to assist our school's Key Club. We picked up over 50 pounds of trash.

Parallel Lines

WESTEM Fundraiser

We partnered with the Women in Entrepreneurship and STEM Club and Anthony Franco's, one of our sponsors, for this fundraiser. 

Board of Education

We presented our team and accomplishments to the board. Our aim was to help the board understand what we have done with their help and to continue this is in the future.

Parallel Lines

Town Council

We talked to the Town Council and Mayor on Live TV. We Informed about accomplishments and future plans and thanked them for all their support.

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Team Jolly Blue (FTC)

We helped Team Jolly Blue with their PID controller for Swivel Drivetrain over Zoom.

Team Alpha (FLL)

We helped Team Alpha by teaching them the different processes required to build, such as, the iterative process and the design cycle.

Team Mega Mindstorms (FLL)

We helped Team Mega Mindstorms by teaching them the nuances of the competition, such as, point density and primary vs secondary handlers.


Team Cyber Cerberus (FLL)

We helped Team Cyber Cerberus develop their game strategy, handle their robot, and helped them improve their innovation project.

Team Metallic Manipulators (FLL)

We helped Team Metallic Manipulators with game strategy by teaching them the importance of teamwork and cooperation.

Team Roborockers (FLL)

We helped Team Roborockers by giving constructive criticism to enhance their presentation so that they could speak clearly and effectivley.

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